Hi, I'm a developer based in Paris with a passion for creating digital services
Abdennour Mesdour
Developer / Designer

I'm a full-stack developer based in Paris, passionate about creating impactful digital solutions. I thrive on building digital services, from conceptualization to solving real-world challenges with code. So, I created this space to share some of my most exciting experiences as developer, including tutorials on emerging technologies and insights from my journey. Stay tuned! I'm launching a Youtube channel soon. Don't forget to check it out and hit that subscribe button!
1985born in Algeria
2009Completed engineer program's graduate at the university of science and technology. Algiers
2009Worked as software integrator
2014Completed Master's graduate at the university of Poitiers. Poitiers
2014Worked at FeelEurope Paris
2015Worked at Edmond de Rothshilld Group
2017 to presentWorking at BNP Paribas Realestate
I ❤️
Video games, Manga, Playing guitar, Machine Learning